Buy Flood Shield Defense Service Package
  • China Mainland
  • Global (excluding Mainland China)
  • Global (including mainland China)
Basic specifications
Access mode: CNAME access
Number of first-level domain names :
Supports HTTPS
Business bandwidth
Business bandwidth is the maximum normal business traffic that this package can accommodate without attack
Service Broadband Cap
Number of first-level domain names
More than 10, need to contact customer service to customize.
Number of protected ports
The number of protected domain names is the number of TCP / UDP ports that can be added during the protection of this package
  • 3 Months
  • 6 Months
  • 1 Year
  • 2 Years
Automatic renewal due
Package Customization
Business bandwidth:
Service Broadband Cap:
Number of ports:
Time remaining:
  • Global (excluding Mainland China)
Package Type
Package Details
DDoS Mitigation Capacity: Gbps
L7 DDoS Mitigation Capacity: QPS
Normal business bandwidth included in the package: M
Forwarded Ports Number(Non-Website: TCP/UDP):
Domain Number(Website: HTTP/HTTPS):
*Auto-scaling Protection Bandwidth
  • 10G
  • 20G
  • 30G
The auto-scaling protection bandwidth is the highest protection bandwidth. If the auto-scaling protection bandwidth value is set to the same as the guaranteed protection bandwidth value, no post-paid will be generated and the maximum protection bandwidth is the guaranteed protection bandwidth value. If the auto-scaling bandwidth value is set higher than the guaranteed bandwidth value, the value is exceeded. An attack with a guaranteed bandwidth value but not greater than the auto-scaling bandwidth value can still be effectively protected. The excess is charged per day. If the anti-attack is exceeded, it turns back to the origin and automatically unblocked after 2 hours. view billing details
Number of ports
number 7.15 USD/month for every 1 port
Domain Number
number 14.3 USD/month for every 1 subdomains
*Business bandwidth
No cap value, and the excess billing is charged on a per-day basis according to the gradient corresponding to the pre-purchased service bandwidth. The current pre-purchased bandwidth is M ,Charged by USD/M/Day
Automatic renewal due
Package Customization
Package Type:
Auto-scaling Protection Bandwidth:
Number of ports:
Domain Number:
Business bandwidth:
Time remaining: